Randy Hyde's - The Art of Assembly Language

29 September 2009

The Art of Assembly Language Programming, Randy Hyde's acclaimed text on assembly language programming, is the most-often recommended book on 80x86 assembly language programming in newsgroups, on web sites, and by word of mouth. The author presents assembly language from the high-level programmer's point of view, so you can start writing meaningful programs within days.

Author....:Randy Hyde's
Title.....:The Art of Assembly Language
Paperback.:928 pages
Publisher.:No Starch Press
Size......:7,7 mb

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Jim Mischel, John Penman, Terence Goggin, Jon Shemitz - High Performance Delphi 3 Programming

You've learned to program with Delphi 3, and now you're ready to move to another level. If you want to get serious about Delphi programming, this book was written just for you. Open it up and shift into second gear, where you'll explore input/output filtering, fractals, way-out-there database technology, and Windows arcana. Then pop it into high gear and slam the pedal to the metal, as you speed through Internet development secrets, dynamic user interface design, process monitoring, embedded components, and more. Powerful stuff, written by experts for those who wish to become experts - and all written with a light heart and more than a touch of wit (you'll even be learning techniques through the programming adventures of Ace Breakpoint, Non-Traditional Programmer).

Ready to make the most out of Delphi 3, the latest version of Borland's rapid application development tool? High Performance Delphi 3 Programming has the information you need: it's packed with detailed instructions on how to push Delphi to the limit. The book shows how to build DLLs (dynamic-link libraries), implement drag and drop, work with the Delphi Winsock component, and much more. What's particularly impressive is that Don Taylor and his coauthors don't just offer a rapid-fire listing of techniques and leave you to worry about the details. Instead, they delve into the reasons you'd want to do this stuff, the pitfalls you'd likely encounter, and offer slick workarounds. The authors take a lighthearted tone that occasionally gets long-winded--they sometimes require you to read through dialogs between imaginary characters rather than simply jump to the topic of interest--but they offer enough good information to more than make up for that shortcoming.

Author....:Jim Mischel, John Penman, Terence Goggin, Jon Shemitz
Title.....:High Performance Delphi 3 Programming
Paperback.:635 Pages
Publisher.:Coriolis Group Books
Size......:4.4 MB





Valerii Salov - Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++

Valerii Salov, «Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++: New Trading and Money Management Concepts»
The goal of trading is to make money, and for many, profits are the best way to measure that success. Author Valerii Salov knows how to calculate potential profit, and in Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++, he outlines an original and thought-provoking approach to trading that will help you do the same.This detailed guide will show you how to effectively calculate the potential profit in a market under conditions of variable transaction costs, and provide you with the tools needed to compute those values from real prices. You'll be introduced to new notions of s-function, s-matrix, s-interval, and polarities of s-intervals, and discover how they can be used to build the r- and l-algorithms as well as the first and second profit and loss reserve algorithms. Optimal money management techniques are also illustrated throughout the book, so you can make the most informed trading decisions possible. Filled with in-depth insight and expert advice, Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++ contains a comprehensive overview of trading, money management, and C++. A companion CD-ROM is also included to help you test the concepts described throughout the book before you attempt to use them in real-world situations.

Author....:Valerii Salov
Title.....:Modeling Maximum Trading Profits with C++
Paperback.:264 pages
Publisher.:John Wiley & Sons
Size......:2.07 MB





Frank Engo - How to Program Delphi 3

Aimed at users who have some familiarity with programming concepts and teaching about optimizing Delphi's native code compiler to take advantage of direct connect with a Web server. The book also contains 70 reusable procedures and functions written for Delphi developers.

Author....:Frank Engo
Title.....:How to Program Delphi 3
Paperback.:416 Pages
Publisher.:Ziff-Davis Press
Size......:7 MB





Ankit Asthana, R. G. S. Asthana - C++ for Beginners...... Masters (Repost)

Essential skills made easy! Written by Ankit Asthana, R. G. S. Asthana, the world's leading programming author, this step-by-step book is ideal for first-time programmers or those new to C++. The modular approach of this series, including sample projects and progress checks, makes it easy to learn to use C++ at your own pace.

Author....:Ankit Asthana, R. G. S.
Title.....:C++ for Beginners...... Masters (Repost)
Publisher.:Netlibrary Inc
Size......:4.5 MB




The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical Api

A comprehensive reference to all of the Win 32 API function calls used to display graphics and user interface elements, this book highlights such topics as drawing primitives, color palette management, regions, and paths.

Title.....:The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Graphical Api
Paperback.:879 pages
Format....: HTML
Years.....:March 1998
Size......:6,4 Mb




John Sharp - Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Step by Step

Get the hands-on, step-by-step guide to learning the latest enhancements in Microsoft Visual C# 2008. Visual C#, one of the tools in Microsoft Visual Studio® 2008, is a modern programming language designed to deliver a productive environment for creating business frameworks and reusable object-oriented components. Whether you re a beginning programmer or new to the Visual C# programming language, you ll learn how to use the fundamental features of Visual Studio 2008 and gain a basic understanding of the latest enhancement of the Visual C# language. You ll work at your own pace through hands-on, learn-by-doing exercises, get started creating components and working Windows® applications, and build your knowledge as you start creating your first Visual C# based applications. You ll also explore how to create data management and Web-based applications. In each chapter, work through learn-by-doing exercises that demonstrate how, when, and why to use the many features of the Visual C# rapid application development environment. Includes a companion CD with code samples, data sets, and a fully searchable eBook.

Features easy-to-follow, logically planned lessons to help you learn at your own pace

Helps you gain a solid understanding of how to use the fundamental features of Visual C# 2008

Includes a companion CD with code samples, data sets, and a fully searchable eBook

About the Author
John Sharp is the author of three previous versions of this book, plus several other titles from Microsoft Press, including Windows Communication Foundation Step by Step. John is a principal technologist for Content Master Ltd., where he develops and delivers guidance on C#, J#, and Microsoft ASP.NET for a number of international customers.

Author....:John Sharp
Title.....:Microsoft Visual C# 2008 Step by Step
Paperback.:645 Pages
Publisher.:Microsoft Press
Size......:12.87 MB




Thomas Binzinger - Jetzt lerne ich Delphi

Delphi ist weiterhin eines der verbreitetsten RAD-Tools zur Entwicklung von Windows-Anwendungen. Zukunftsträchtige Weiterentwicklungen wie der seit Delphi 6 mögliche Transfer von Delphi-Programmen auf Linux mit der CLX-Bibbliothek oder die Unterstützung der Microsoft-Plattform .NET tragen dazu bei, die Fangemeinde bei der Stange zu halten bzw. noch zu vergrößern.
Dieses seit Jahren bewährte und gereifte Tutorial führt Sie von Grund auf in die Programmierung mit Object Pascal ein, erklärt Ihnen Schritt für Schritt die Entwicklungsumgebung und die Neuerungen bei Delphi 8 und schließt dabei alle bisherigen Delphi-Versionen mit ein. Es setzt keinerlei Vorkenntnisse in der Programmierung voraus und wird besonders gerne in Schulunge oder Kursen an Schulen und Hochschulen eingesetzt.

Author....:Thomas Binzinger
Title.....:Jetzt lerne ich Delphi
Paperback.:469 pages
Publisher.:Markt + Technik Verlag
Size......:5,5 MB




John Sharp, Jon Jagger - Microsoft® Visual C#® .NET Step by Step

Teach yourself Visual C# .NET version 2003—and start developing Microsoft .NET–connected applications—one step at a time. Master language fundamentals at your own pace and use the learn-by-doing exercises to dig in and code!

Author....:John Sharp, Jon Jagger
Title.....:Microsoft® Visual C#® .NET Step by Step
Paperback.:672 Pages
Publisher.:Microsoft Press
Size......:14.33 MB



Julian Bucknall - The Tomes of Delphi: Algorithms and Data Structures

Delphi developer Julian Bucknall provides fellow developers a comprehensive overview of using algorithms and data structures from a practical perspective. Bucknall begins with a discussion of algorithm performance, and provides comprehensive coverage of such topics as arrays, linked lists, and binary trees. The book focuses on search algorithms—such as sequential and binary search—and sort algorithms—including bubble, insertion, Shell sort, quicksort, merge sort, and heapsort—along with techniques for optimization. Additionally, the author presents hashing and hash tables, priority queues, state machines and regular expressions, and data compression techniques such as Huffman and LZ77.

About the Author
Julian Bucknall is director of programming at TurboPower Software Company in Colorado Springs, Colorado. He writes the monthly column Algorithms Alfresco in The Delphi Magazine, and is also the author of the freeware library EZDSL.

Author....:Julian Bucknall
Title.....:The Tomes of Delphi: Algorithms and Data Structures
Paperback.:545 Pages
Publisher.:Wordware Publishing, Inc
Size......:3.1 MB



Julian Templeman, Andy Olsen - Microsoft® Visual C++® .NET Step by Step

Teach yourself the latest version of Visual C++ and begin developing for Microsoft .NET one step at a time. This practical, hands-on tutorial expertly guides you through the fundamentals from writing managed code to running and debugging your first .NET-based applications and XML Web services. Work at your own pace through easy-to-follow lessons and hands-on exercises to learn essential techniques. And accelerate your productivity by working with instructive code and best practices for .NET development with Visual C++.

Discover how to: Write and run a simple object-oriented program Delve deeper with inheritance and other OOP techniques Execute code with the Visual Studio(r) .NET debugger Exploit built-in .NET support for properties, arrays, and events Generate and handle exceptions Implement operator overloading Examine .NET Framework 1.1, exploring major namespaces and classes Use Windows(r) Forms to create GUI applications Access data using XML and Microsoft ADO.NET Create and use Web services Build Web service components with ATL Make legacy applications .NET

Author....:Julian Templeman, Andy Olsen
Title.....:Microsoft® Visual C++® .NET Step by Step
Paperback.:608 Pages
Publisher.:Microsoft Press
Size......:9.29 MB



John Ayres - Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Core API Windows 2000

The Tomes of Delphi 3: Win32 Core API, the first book in Wordware’s best-selling Tomes of Delphi series, has been updated and revised for Windows 2000. This new edition is the most accessible and definitive reference to 32-bit versions of Delphi, providing an accurate and comprehensive guide to the Microsoft Windows application programming interface. The Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Core API— Windows 2000 Edition covers the most common Windows API functions, from window creation and message processing functions to memory management and text output functions. Each function entry includes the syntax, a description of what the function does, a list and description of parameters, acceptable constant values, return values, cross-references to related functions, and an example of its use in Delphi’s Object Pascal. Whether you’re an experienced Delphi programmer with a working knowledge of Windows programming or an intermediate Delphi programmer, this book will help you to extend the functionality of Delphi components and objects, and demonstrate what the Win32 API can do for you.

About the Author
John Ayres works at American Microsystems, a manufacturer of bar code scanning technology, in Dallas, Texas. He is a former officer of the Delphi Developers of Dallas users group and is the author of The Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Shell API—Windows 2000 Edition and Delphi Graphics and Game Programming Exposed! with DirectX 7.0.

Author....:John Ayres
Title.....:Tomes of Delphi: Win32 Core API Windows 2000
Paperback.:759 Pages
Publisher.:Wordware Publishing, Inc.
Language..: English
Size......:2 MB



Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman - Problem Solving and Program Design in C

Problem Solving and Program Design in C is one of the best-selling introductory programming textbook using the C programming language for beginning programmers. It embraces a balanced approach to program development and an introduction to ANSI C. and provides a gradual introduction to pointers and covers programming with functions early in the text.In later chapters, students learn to implement fundamental data structures such as lists, stacks, queues, and trees in a language that fosters their understanding of stack- and heap-dynamic memory allocation and programmer-controlled pointers. To enhance students learning experience it offers the right amount of pedagogical features that include end-of-section and chapter exercises, examples and case studies, syntax and program style display boxes, error discussions and end-of-chapter projects.The fifth edition has been updated to reflect current developments in the C programming language and includes a new chapter on Multitasking.

Author....:Jeri R. Hanly, Elliot B. Koffman
Title.....:Problem Solving and Program Design in C
Paperback.:940 Pages
Publisher.:Pearson Higher Education
Size......:31.72 MB



Marco Cantù - Delphi 2009 Handbook

The complete guide to CodeGear Delphi 2009 from the best selling author of the Mastering Delphi series and the Delphi 2007 Handbook. Learn all of the new features of the latest Delphi, including Unicode, Generics, the Ribbon control, DataSnap 2009, and much more. The book has 400 pages full of information and examples.

Author....:Marco Cantù
Title.....:Delphi 2009 Handbook
Paperback.:400 pages
Publisher.:Wintech Italia Srl
Size......:3.61 MB



C PlusPlus mit Microsoft Visual C PlusPlus 2008 Einfuehrung

Note: Dieses Buch verbindet eine systematische Einführung in die Programmiersprache C++, C++/CLI und die Windows-Programmierung mit Visual Studio. Alle Sprachelemente und Konzepte von Standard-C++ (C-Grundlagen, objektorientierte Programmierung, Exception-Handling, Templates und die STL) werden ausführlich und praxisnah behandelt. Weitere Themen sind objektorientierte Analyse und Design, Templates und ihre Anwendungen am Beispiel der Klassen und Algorithmen der STL, C++/CLI und die Windows-Programmierung mit der .NET-Klassenbibliothek. Das Buch eignet sich gleichermaßen zum Selbststudium und als Lehrbuch für Fachhochschulen und Universitäten. Es wendet sich sowohl an Anfänger als auch an erfahrene C++-Programmierer und enthält zahlreiche Beispiele und Übungsaufgaben mit Lösungen.

Title.....:C PlusPlus mit Microsoft Visual C PlusPlus 2008 Einfuehrung
Paperback.: 1345 Seiten
Language..: german
Size......:9 MB


Sams Teach Yourself Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP All in One

26 September 2009

In just a short time, you can learn how to use Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP to create interactive interfaces to your web applications by combining these powerful technologies.
No previous Ajax programming experience is required. Using a straightforward, step-by-step approach, each lesson in this book builds on the previous ones, enabling you to learn the essentials of Ajax programming with JavaScript, PHP, and related technologies from the ground up.
Regardless of whether you run Linux, Windows, or Mac OS X, the enclosed CD includes a complete Ajax programming starter kit that gives you all the programming tools, reference information, JavaScript libraries, and server software you need to set up a stable environment for learning, testing, and production.
Learn how to…
* Build better, more interactive interfaces for your web applications
* Make JavaScript, HTML, XML, and PHP work together to create Ajax effects
* Compile an Ajax application
* Create and consume web services with SOAP and REST
* Avoid common errors and troubleshoot programs
* Use popular Ajax libraries to speed up and improve common programming tasks

Title:Sams  Teach Yourself Ajax, JavaScript, and PHP All in One
Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Sams
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2008
ISBN : 0672329654
Size: 3 mb




Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming

This book was written to provide insight into the development techniques needed (and the options available) to work within the DotNetNuke framework. Emphasis is placed on the available methods to extend the framework, as well as the situations and rules governing when each respective extension model should be used. Along with this emphasis on selecting the right extension method, the book stresses the importance of leveraging the framework in as many areas as possible, and ultimately using the framework to the advantage of the developer, rather than merely working with it.

One current weakness of the DotNetNuke framework is developer documentation. The framework provides developers with numerous amazing methods to extend the framework and build truly robust applications, but as of this writing, minimal API documentation exists, and overall development topics are scattered all over the Internet. Many community members have helped to supplement this lack of developer content by writing blog articles and technical tutorials to help teach the individual concepts, but because there is no central repository, it can be tedious and difficult to find just what you need.

This book helps truly identify and document some excellent new features that are supported starting with DotNetNuke 5.0. The inclusion of jQuery exposes developers to a great JavaScript library that will enable interactive and animated interfaces to be created easily. The new Module Packaging system (discussed in detail in Appendix D) provides module developers and skin designers with many much-needed options when it comes to deploying applications. This book was written to expose this information, and to function as a key resource for the development community.

This book assumes that the reader has a working knowledge of standard ASP.NET development techniques and terminologies. Samples in the book are provided in both C# and Visual Basic (VB) to enable readers with diverse backgrounds to fully understand the concepts presented. Users do not need to have a comprehensive understanding of DotNetNuke prior to using this book because the early chapters discuss the configuration of both DotNetNuke and the development environment, and careful consideration has been taken to ensure that DotNetNuke-specific terminology is explained as the book progresses.

Readers already familiar with DotNetNuke 4.x development will find this book valuable because it introduces many of the new features of the latest software version, although some of the beginning chapters for these readers will be redundant because the overall concepts of environment configuration and basic interface elements have not changed from 4.x to 5.x. Differences between versions 4.x and 5.x are pointed out as appropriate.

As the title implies, this book primarily covers development techniques within the DotNetNuke 5.x platform. The chapters point out similarities and differences between the 4.x and 5.x platforms, enabling readers to apply some newer concepts to the older technology. Although this book primarily focuses on the concept of module development, it discusses other extension models as well, such as skin objects and authentication providers. Also covered in this book are recommended practices for successful integration with the framework.

This book begins with an introduction to development within DotNetNuke. The discussions walk you through DotNetNuke setup, terminology, development environment setup, and options for .NET project setup.

The book then presents a scenario-based model to introduce basic concepts of module development. This is accomplished by building a simple guestbook module that demonstrates how individual portions interact with one another. The discussion lays the foundation for the most basic elements of development within DotNetNuke. Later in the book, you learn about the more advanced module programming concepts, such as optional interfaces and DotNetNuke user controls. This discussion additionally introduces other extension methods, such as authentication providers and skin objects, as well as best practices.

In short, the main content of the book creates a working model that guides you through the most common development scenarios; at the same time, it provides the detail needed to tightly integrate custom code with the framework.

The appendixes provide supplemental information to what is contained in the chapters. This is material that, while not critical to an understanding of the individual chapters, is nonetheless important. The appendixes include items such as community resources and general DotNetNuke configuration items, as well as a detailed look at the new module manifest and a few key integration API points that are not well documented overall.

From the Back Cover

Professional DotNetNuke® Module Programming

As the force behind the creation of new functionality to DotNetNuke Web sites, DotNetNuke modules are reusable programming components that offer a way to extend the basic DotNetNuke framework. With this resource, you'll learn the best practices for DotNetNuke module development, and you'll gain a clear understanding of the development techniques needed to work within the DotNetNuke framework.

This book begins with a look at development within DotNetNuke. The book walks you through DotNetNuke setup, terminology, development environment setup, and options for .NET project setup. You'll gradually move on to discussions of more advanced module programming concepts, such as optional interfaces and DotNetNuke user controls. A scenario-based model introduces other extension methods (such as authentication providers and skin objects), and demonstrates how to communicate with the API. Real-world examples throughout serve to enhance your grasp of ways to successfully market and distribute a completed DotNetNuke module.

What you will learn from this book
How to properly create requirements for a DotNetNuke module project
How to create modules that support static text localization
Why it is important to adhere to the API, and how to take full advantage of it
How to tightly and safely integrate custom code with the framework
Techniques for packaging, installing, and debugging modules
Tips for dealing with third-party components and controls
Tips for working with both DotNetNuke 4.x and 5.x
Implementation details for various Ajax frameworks, including jQuery and ASP.NET Ajax
l An understanding of alternative integration options such as authentication providers and skin objects

Who this book is for

This book is for DotNetNuke users of all levels of experience who are looking to expand their expertise. A knowledge of DotNetNuke is not required, but will be helpful.

Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.

Title: Professional DotNetNuke Module Programming
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Wrox; Pap/Onl edition
Language: English
Years: February 24, 2009
ISBN: 0470171162
Size: 5.2MB

David Heffelfinger - JasperReports 3.5 for Java Developers

Create, Design, Format, and Export Reports with the world's most popular Java reporting libraryCreate better, smarter, and more professional reports using comprehensive and proven methodsGroup scattered data into meaningful reports, and make the reports appealing by adding charts and graphicsDiscover techniques to integrate with Hibernate, Spring, JSF, and Struts, and to export to different file formatsWritten in a lucid and practical manner, this book introduces you to JasperReports and gets you creating complex and elegant reportsIn DetailDo you want to create easily understood, professional, and powerful reports from disordered, scattered data using a free, open source Java class library? If your answer is yes, this book on JasperReports is what you are looking for. JasperReports is the world's most popular embeddable Java open source reporting library, providing Java developers with the power to easily create rich print and web reports.The book has been fully updated to use JasperReports 3.5, the latest version of JasperReports. Previously accepted techniques that have now been deprecated have been replaced with their modern counterparts. All examples in the book have been updated to use XML schemas for report templates. Coverage of new data sources that JasperReports now supports has been added to the book. Additionally, JasperReports can now export reports to even more formats than before and exporting reports to these new formats is covered in this new edition of the book.This book shows you exactly how to get started, and develop the skills to get the most from JasperReports. It introduces you to the latest version of JasperReports, and gets you creating complex and elegant reports.The book steers you through each point of report setup, to creating, designing, formatting, and exporting reports with data from a wide range of data sources, and integrating JasperReports with other Java frameworks.Starting with the basics of adding reporting capabilities to your application and creating report templates, you will first see how to produce your reports through the use of JRXML files, custom ANT targets, and then preview them in both the web browser and the native browser of JasperReports.Getting data into your reports is the next step, and you will see how to get data from a range of data sources, not only databases, but XML files, and Java Objects, among others.You will create better looking reports with formatting and grouping, as well as adding graphical elements to your reports. You will export your reports to a range of different formats, including PDF and XML.Creating reports will be made even easier with a walkthrough of the iReport Designer visual designing tool. To round things off, you will see how to integrate your reports with other Java frameworks, using Spring or Hibernate to get data for the report, and Java Server Faces or Struts for presenting the report.All examples have been updated to use XML schemas. New export formats, such as OpenDocument Text, and new data sources now supported by JasperReports are now covered in this updated edition.

Author: David Heffelfinge
Title: JasperReports 3.5 for Java Developers
Paperback: 350 pages
Publisher: Packt Publishing
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2009
ISBN: 1847198082
Size: 5 MB



Mounia Lalmas - XML Retrieval (Synthesis Lectures on Information Concepts, Retrieval & Services)

Documents usually have a content and a structure. The content refers to the text of the document, whereas the structure refers to how a document is logically organized. An increasingly common way to encode the structure is through the use of a mark-up language. Nowadays, the most widely used mark-up language for representing structure is the eXtensible Mark-up Language (XML). XML can be used to provide a focused access to documents, i.e. returning XML elements, such as sections and paragraphs, instead of whole documents in response to a query. Such focused strategies are of particular benefit for information repositories containing long documents, or documents covering a wide variety of topics, where users are directed to the most relevant content within a document. The increased adoption of XML to represent a document structure requires the development of tools to effectively access documents marked-up in XML. This book provides a detailed description of query languages, indexing strategies, ranking algorithms, presentation scenarios developed to access XML documents. Major advances in XML retrival were seen from 2002 as a result of INEX, the Initiative for Evaluation of XML Retrieval. INEX, also described in this book, provided test sets for evaluating XML retrieval effectiveness. Many of the developments and results described in this book were investigated within INEX. Table of Contents: Introduction / Basic XML Concepts / Historical Perspectives / Query Languages / Indexing Strategies / Ranking Strategies / Presentation strategies / Evaluating XML Retrieval Effectiveness / Conclusions

Author: Mounia Lalmas
Title: XML Retrieval
Paperback: 112 pages
Publisher: Morgan and Claypool
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2009-07-09
ISBN: 1598297864
Size: 1.5 MB



Julie C. Meloni - Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One (3rd Edition)

You own your own business. You have also created a website for your business that details the products or services that you offer, but it doesn't allow potential customers to purchase anything online. Don't risk losing business-learn to create a dynamic online environment using only three programs. PHP, MySQL and Apache are three popular open-source tools that can work together to help you create a dynamic website, such as an online shopping experience. Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One is a complete reference manual for all three development tools. You will learn how to install, configure and set up the PHP scripting language, use the MySQL database system, and work with the Apache Web server. Then you'll take it a step further and discover how they work together to create a dynamic website. Use the book and the included CD to create a simple website, as well as a mailing list, online address book, shopping cart and storefront. Updated to reflect the most recent developments in PHP and MySQL, including the final stable release of MySQL 5.0, you will open your website to limitless possibilities with Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One.Three popular Web development tools, covered together in an easy-to-understand book. Carefully steps the reader through the basic installation and set-up of PHP, MySQL, and Apache. Shows the beginner how to combine these technologies to quickly create simple interactive Web applications. CD-ROM Starter Kit allows the reader to easily install a safe, foolproof learning environment for either a Windows- or Linux-based PC. Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL, and Apache in 24 Hours combines coverage of these three popular open-source Web development tools into one easy-to-understand book -- and it comes packaged with one easy-to-use Starter Kit CD for Windows or Linux. The book teaches the reader to install, configure and set up the PHP scripting language, the MySQL database system, and the Apache Web server. By the end of this book the reader will understand how these technologies work, and--more importantly-- how they can work together to create a dynamic Web site. After creating a simple Web site using these tools, the reader will be able to manage a simple mailing list, and to create an online address book, shopping cart, and storefront. The book also teaches the reader how to fine tune Apache and MySQL, and covers simple Web server security. Julie Meloni is the technical director for i2i Interactive, a multimedia company located in Campbell, CA. She has been developing Web-based applications since the early days of the Web, and is the author of several books and articles on Web-based programming languages and database topics, such as Sams Teach Yourself MySQL in 24 Hours.

Author:J ulie C. Meloni 
Title: Sams Teach Yourself PHP, MySQL and Apache All in One (3rd Edition)
Paperback: 624 Pages
Publisher: Sams
Language: English
Format: CHM
Years: 2006
ISBN: 0672328739
Size: 8 MB




Professional ADO.NET 2: Programming with SQL Server 2005, Oracle, and MySQL

ADO.NET revolutionized the way data was accessed through SQL Server, Oracle, and MySQL. With Microsoft's release of ADO.NET 2, ADO and the .NET Framework are integrated with SQL Server for the first time-enabling you to program .NET applications directly within the SQL Server database.
Packed with sample code and recommended best practices for using ADO.NET 2, this code-intensive book explores the new data types that are available in the 2.0 Framework and discusses the appropriate time and way to use them. You'll learn how to make repetitive, mundane tasks much simpler and you'll walk away with a solid foundation for developing database-driven applications.
What you will learn from this book
* The basics of creating a connection, executing a query, and returning a result
* Best uses for Oracle in the ADO.NET Framework
* The many new features that are available for XML
* How to use the full text search capabilities of Microsoft(r) SQL Server 2005
* Methods for retrieving data and presenting it in various ways
* Why MySQL is a viable option for data storage
Who this book is for
This book is for experienced database developers who want to learn the latest release of ADO.NET 2.0. Knowledge of ADO.NET 1.0, general .NET development, and Microsoft SQL Server is necessary.
Wrox Professional guides are planned and written by working programmers to meet the real-world needs of programmers, developers, and IT professionals. Focused and relevant, they address the issues technology professionals face every day. They provide examples, practical solutions, and expert education in new technologies, all designed to help programmers do a better job.

Title: Professional ADO.NET 2
Paperback: 648 pages
Publisher: Wrox
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2005
ISBN: 0764584375
Size: 10,6mb (rar'd 5,17mb)

Nell B. Dale, Chip Weems, Mark R. Headington - Introduction to Java and Software Design: Swing Update

Introduction to Java and Software Design represents a significant transition in the development of the Dale series, with much that is new. This book has been developed from the ground up to be a Java text. It is not a Java translation of our previous texts. However, we have retained our familiar easy-to-read style and clear approach to introducing new topics. The chapters retain the same overall organization with each chapter containing a full problem-solving case study, testing and debugging hints, summary, and five types of end-of-chapter exercises. Also, some topicsÑsuch as problem solving are independent of the programming language and thus contain familiar discussions.

Author: Nell B. Dale, Chip Weems, Mark R. Headington
Title: Introduction to Java and Software Design: Swing Update
Paperback: 1184 pages
Publisher: Jones and Bartlett
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2002
ISBN: 0763720305
Size: 80.17 MB




Robert Richards - Pro PHP XML and Web Services

Pro PHP XML and Web Services is the authoritative guide to using the XML features of PHP 5 and PHP 6. No other book covers XML and Web Services in PHP as deeply as this title. The first four chapters introduce the core concepts of XML required for proficiency, and will bring you up to speed on the terminology and key concepts you need to proceed with the rest of the book. Next, the book explores utilizing XML and Web Services with PHP5. Topics include DOM, SimpleXML, SAX, xmlReader, XSLT, RDF, RSS, WDDX, XML-RPC, REST, SOAP, and UDDI.
Author Robert Richards, a major contributor to the PHP XML codebase, is a leading expert in the PHP community. In this book, Richards covers all topics in depth, blending theory with practical examples. You'll find case studies for the most popular web services like Amazon, Google, eBay, and Yahoo. The book also covers XML capabilities, demonstrated through informative examples, in the PEAR libraries.

Author:  Robert Richards
Title: Pro PHP XML and Web Services
Paperback: 936 Pages
Publisher: Apress
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2006
ISBN: 1590596331
Size: 3.07 MB



Tim Converse, Joyce Park - PHP5 and MySQL Bible

Although we’re biased, we believe that the PHP Web-scripting language is the hands-down winner in its niche—by far the easiest and most flexible server-side tool for getting great Web sites up and running in a hurry. Although millions of Web programmers worldwide could be wrong, in this particular case, they’re not. MySQL is the most popular open-source database platform, and it is the first choice of many for creating database-backed PHP-driven Web sites As we write this, PHP5 is in its third beta version, and PHP has continued to grow in reach, adoption, and features since we wrote the first two versions of this book.

Author: Tim Converse, Joyce Park
Title: PHP5 and MySQL Bible
Paperback: 1080 pages
Publisher:J ohn Wiley & Sons
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2004
ISBN: 0764557467
Size: 16.46 MB




Joachim Rossberrg,Rickard Redler - Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Designs (Expert's Voice in .Net)

Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Design explains how to plan and implement .NET 2.0 applications. It addresses platform, hosting, and database requirements, as well as architectural design techniques that can be used to create the application itself. For example, the book illustrates a comparison between two models, the "traditional" and the "new" SOA, to weigh the advantages and disadvantages of each. This book also makes use of the newest version of Web Services Enhancements (WSE 3.0), ensuring you have access to the latest Microsoft standards and advice.

Author: Joachim Rossberrg,Rickard Redler
Title: Pro Scalable .NET 2.0 Application Designs (Expert's Voice in .Net)
Paperback: 536 pages
Publisher: Apress
Language: English
Format :PDF
Years: 2005
ISBN: 1590595416
Size: 10,1 mb

Laura Lemay, Rogers Cadenhead - Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days, Professional Reference Edition (3rd Edition)

Sams Teach Yourself Java in 21 Days, Professional Reference Edition, 3/E continues to be one of the most popular, best-selling Java tutorials on the market. Written by two expert technical writers, it has been acclaimed for its clear and personable writing, for its extensive use of examples, and for its logical and complete organization.This new edition maintains and improves upon all these qualities, while updating, revising, and reorganizing the material to cover the latest developments in Java and to expand the book's coverage of core Java programming topics.The Professional Reference Edition includes seven additional bonus chapters, a complete Java reference section, and a CD containing Sun's Java SDK.

Amazon.com Review:

Newly revised for some of the latest Sun JDK 1.3 standards, the second edition of Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days provides a refreshingly compact and useful tour of Java suitable for anyone who wants to master this powerful programming language quickly.

Currently, Java has some 2,000 classes and over 24,000 methods and properties. Instead of covering a laundry list of features, this book concentrates on what's really important, and keeps your attention with short, clever examples, many of which use names and examples drawn from pop culture or historical trivia.

The first week of lessons in the book comprises an easily digestible tutorial on basic Java, with review questions and exercises that will help you start using it on your own. Next comes a tour of the various options for building user interfaces in today's Java, including Swing applets and applications. In addition to basic component programming, you'll learn graphics using the new Java 2D API. (The older Abstract Windowing Toolkit, AWT, isn't covered.) Material on threading, animation, and sound helps you explore Java's multimedia capabilities.

The third and final week of lessons addresses advanced Java APIs and features that extend the reach of Java on the enterprise. After delving into more advanced class design, the book looks at topics like I/O streams in Java and Object Serialization (which allows objects to work with streams). Chapters on security and basic networking (illustrated using a server that generates trivia questions for clients) will let you work with Java on the Internet. The book closes with a chapter on database programming with JDBC. (There's also coverage of the older JDK 1.0 collection classes, which is a little surprising given the book's focus on newer Java 2 standards.)

All in all, Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days provides an efficiently packaged tutorial for learning Java, one that will be appreciated by any beginning Java programmer. The sheer number of classes and APIs in today's Java can be overwhelming. The intelligent and concise series of lessons in this book will help jump-start your knowledge. --Richard Dragan

Topics covered:

•Overview and history of Java
•Introduction to objects
•Class inheritance
•Tutorial for basic Java (including data types and keywords, flow control, and working with objects)
•Basic Java applications
•Methods and constructors
•Introduction to Java applets
•Building Swing user interfaces (basic component types, layout managers, and event processing)
•Java 2D graphics (drawing basic shapes, text output, and fonts)
•Using threads for animation
•Loading and displaying images
•Java Sound (including MIDI files)
•Advanced class design (interfaces, packages, advanced method options)
•Exception handling and security
•Signing JAR files
•File and stream I/O in Java
•Object Serialization and reflection
•Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
•Java networking basics (sockets and servers)
•Building custom UI components with JavaBeans
•Database programming with JDBC
•JDK 1.0 collection classes
•References on the Sun JDK 1.3 (including installation)

Author: Laura Lemay, Rogers Cadenhead
Title: Sams Teach Yourself Java 2 in 21 Days, Professional Reference Edition
Paperback: 888 Pages
Publisher: Pearson Education
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2002-12-24
ISBN: 0672324555
Size: 10.7 MB




Arthur Griffith - Java, XML, and JAXP

A nuts-and-bolts guide focusing exclusively on Sun's Java XML API
The sole purpose of Sun Microsystem's Java XML API is to write programs that generate XML data for transmission and programs that decipher incoming XML data. While there are many references on the market offering exhaustive coverage of Java, XML, and the JAXP, until now there were none dedicated to providing developers and IT professionals with instant access to critical, drill-down information on how to use the Java XML API to transmit, receive, create, load, and modify XML documents. Arthur Griffith offers clear and concise coverage of the underlying theory involved and uses numerous examples to demonstrate the API's various features and capabilities.
Companion Web site includes all examples from the book along with a valuable resource listing.

Author: Arthur Griffith
Title:J ava, XML, and JAXP
Paperback: 216 pages
Publisher: Wiley
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2002-01-25
ISBN: 0471209074
Size: 12,25 mb





John Coggeshall, Morgan Tocker - Zend Enterprise PHP Patterns

Zend Enterprise PHP Patterns is the culmination of years of experience in the development of web-based applications designed to help enterprises big and small overcome the new challenges of the web-based application world and achieve harmony in not only the architecture of their application, but also the entire process under which that application is created and maintained. Taken directly from real-life experiences in PHP application development, Zend Enterprise PHP Patterns will help you
Utilize open source technologies such as PHP and Zend Framework to build robust and easy-to-maintain development infrastructures.
Understand Zend Framework and its philosophical approach to building complex yet easy-to-maintain libraries of functionality for your application that can scale with your needs.
Benefit through an in-depth discussion of tools and techniques that can significantly enhance your ability to develop code faster, fix bugs, and increase performance.

What you’ll learn
Understand how to build your applications and configure your production environments (both the web server and database servers) to maximize performance while enabling them to scale to meet your performance needs.
Learn how to build PHP-based libraries that solve your needs without falling into the trap of over-architecturing while leveraging powerful tools like Zend Framework to reduce development time.
Understand the importance of PHP application security and the most common security threats, but more importantly, how to incorporate a security focus into your entire development life cycle.
Learn how to use tooling to gather metrics and identify performance bottlenecks in your application to maximize performance.

Author: John Coggeshall, Morgan Tocker
Title: Zend Enterprise PHP Patterns
Paperback: 280 pages
Publisher: Apress
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2009
ISBN: 1430219742
Size: 3,9 MB




Professional Windows PowerShell Programming: Snapins, Cmdlets, Hosts and Providers (Wrox Professional Guides)

Providing you with the programmer's approach to understanding Windows PowerShell, this book introduces the concepts, components, and development techniques for building software packages that leverage the power of PowerShell. The author team of PowerShell experts shows you how PowerShell makes writing code easy by providing a runtime engine with its own parser, plus you'll discover that with PowerShell, all of the .NET Framework objects become accessible via scripting, making PowerShell a very powerful addition to your toolbox and a popular choice for future development.

Title: Professional Windows PowerShell Programming
Paperback: 336 pages
Publisher: Wrox
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2008
ISBN: 0470173939
Size: 5 mb

Darren Broemmer - J2EE Best Practices: Java Design Patterns, Automation, and Performance

Learn how to apply robust application design to your J2EE projects. There are a number of best practices you need to consider to build highly effective J2EE components and integrate them into applications. These practices include evaluating and selecting the right set of software components and services to handle the job. In this book, Darren Broemmer supplies you with a set of best practices for J2EE development and then teaches you how to use them to construct an application architecture referred to as the reference architecture. The design and implementation of the reference architecture is based on a set of guiding principles that are used to optimize and automate J2EE development. In addition to the author's thorough discussions of the latest technologies for J2EE implementation-including EJB 2, Jakarta Struts, Servlets, Java Server Pages, UML, design patterns.

Author: Darren Broemmer
Title:J 2EE Best Practices
Paperback:4 80 pages
Publisher: John Wiley & Sons
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2002
ISBN :0471228850
Size: 4.28 MB




XQuery: Search Across a Variety Of XML Data (With Source Code)

With the XQuery 1.0 standard, you finally have a tool that will make it much easier to search, extract and manipulate information from XML content stored in databases. This in-depth tutorial not only walks you through the XQuery specification, but also teaches you how to program with this widely anticipated query language.
XQuery is for query writers who have some knowledge of XML basics, but not necessarily advanced knowledge of XML-related technologies. It can be used both as a tutorial, by reading cover to cover, and as a reference, by using the comprehensive index and appendixes. Either way, you will find the background knowledge in namespaces, schemas, built-in types and regular expressions that is relevant to writing XML queries. This book provides:
* A high-level overview and quick tour of XQuery
* Information to write sophisticated queries, without being bogged down by the details of types, namespaces, and schemas
* Advanced concepts for users who want to take advantage of modularity, namespaces, typing and schemas
* Guidelines for working with specific types of data, such as numbers, strings, dates, URIs and processing instructions
* A complete alphabetical reference to the built-in functions and types
You will also learn about XQuery's support for filtering, sorting, and grouping data, as well as how to use FLWOR expressions, XPath, and XQuery tools for extracting and combining information. With this book, you will discover how to apply all of these tools to a wide variety of data sources, and how to recombine information from multiple sources into a single final output result.Whether you're coming from SQL, XSLT, or starting from scratch, this carefully paced tutorial takes you through the final 1.0 standard in detail.

Title: XQuery
Paperback: 511 Pages
Publisher: Priscilla Walmsley
Format: PDF
Years: April 2007
ISBN: 0596006341
Size: 5.79 MB



Samisa Abeysinghe - PHP Team Development

Easy and effective team work using MVC, agile development, source control, testing, bug tracking, and more Work more effectively as a team by breaking up complex PHP projects into manageable sub-parts Develop code that is much easier to maintain with source control, agile principles, and project tracking Apply techniques related to process models, collaboration among team members, and continuous long-term improvement A precise guide with examples to illustrate practical benefits

In Detail
Given the nature of the business environment today, organizations that want to build value-added enterprise PHP applications need a team of PHP people rather than an individual. You've got a team! What next? Customizing such applications to meet with organizational objectives and maintaining these applications over time can be quite a tedious task for your team with so many people involved.

In this book, you will explore how you can break up complex PHP projects into simple sub-parts that multiple team members can work on. The book highlights the use of the MVC pattern for separating concerns in the application and agile principles to deliver code that works. You will learn to blend the simplicity and power of PHP with evolving software engineering principles and tools to easily develop code that is easy to maintain. With this book in hand, you know how to avoid getting muddled up while working in a team and achieve success on your project with effective team work.

Organizations choose PHP as the preferred language for complex web applications because it is battle tested, hardened over time, and proven to work. Thus, chances of the software project you are involved with being PHP-based, are very high. Soon, you will need to explore the technical as well as non-technical aspects that are important to achieve success in PHP team projects of this kind. This book starts by explaining the need for teams working on complex software projects. You learn how you can divide the complexity of PHP projects with the help of the MVC pattern and the use of frameworks. It then discusses the need for a process and how you can choose the right process. It teaches you how to use agile principles to deliver working software for customers, and how to make sure that the team collaborates effectively. Towards the end, the book emphasizes continuous improvement in process and product as well as the people involved. You learn how to ensure that your team is open to change and user feedback, and has the right mindset about quality and other project-related aspects.

What you will learn from this book?
Reduce your development time by using MVC to break down complexity in PHP projects
Effectively use PHP frameworks to achieve project success
Master the concepts of effective collaboration, choosing the right process, and continuous long-term process improvement
Apply agile methodologies and pick up the practices that best suit your project
Catch and eliminate bugs early using source control and bug tracking tools

Author: Samisa Abeysinghe
Title: PHP Team Development
Paperback: 150 pages
Publisher: PP
Format: PDF
Years: 2009
ISBN: 1847195067
Size: 1,7 MB




Professional .NET 2.0 Generics

The power and elegance of generic types have long been acknowledged. Generics allow developers to parameterize data types much like you would parameterize a method. This brings a new dimension of reusability to your types without compromising expressiveness, type-safety, or efficiency. Now .NET generics makes this power available to all .NET developers. By introducing generic concepts directly into the Common Language Runtime (CLR), Microsoft has also created the first language-independent generics implementation. The result is a solution that allows generic types to be leveraged by all the languages of the .NET platform.
This book explores all aspects of the .NET generics implementation, covering everything from fundamental generic concepts, to the elements of generic syntax, to a broader view of how and when you might apply generics. It digs into the details associated with creating and consuming your own generic classes, structures, methods, delegates, and interfaces, examining all the nuances associated with leveraging each of these language constructs. The book also looks at guidelines for working with generic types, the performance gains achieved with generics, the new generic container libraries (BCL and third party), and key aspects of the underlying .NET implementation.
For those transitioning from C++, the book provides an in-depth look at the similarities and differences between templates and.NET generics. It also explores the syntactic variations associated with using generics with each of the .NET languages, including C#, Visual Basic, J#, and C++.

Title: Professional .NET 2.0 Generics
Paperback: 408 pages
Publisher: WROX
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2005
ISBN: 0764559885
Size: 5,2 mb

Ed Roman - Mastering Enterprise Javabeans

Enterprise JavaBeans (EJB) has proven to be wildly successful and is fast becoming the dominant technology for building server-side applications, including most Web applications. In this much-anticipated new edition, bestselling author Ed Roman teams up with noted software development experts Scott Ambler and Tyler Jewell to once again deliver the definitive guide to all things EJB. Geared toward Web site developers, enterprise application developers, and developers of software components for resale, this book has been updated to cover the latest features of version 2.0--including container services, transactions, design strategies, complex persistence, clustering, project management, and choosing an EJB server--as well as to add new, more advanced programming tips and techniques.

Author: Ed Roman
Title: Mastering Enterprise Javabeans
Paperback: 839 pages
Publisher: Hungry Minds Inc,U.S.
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2004
ISBN: 0764576828
Size: 11,7 mb




Franck Injey - XML on Z/OS and Os/390: Introduction to a Service - Oriented Architecture

This IBM Redbook describes the use of XML on IBM servers running z/OS or OS/390, and how it can be extended to modernize legacy applications. It provides both a high-level discussion of service-oriented architecture along with practical, detailed information about XML. In addition to an overview of XML concepts, the first part of the book provides detailed instructions for installing the XML Toolkit for z/OS and OS/390 V1.4 and running the sample programs bundled with it. It describes how to use various tools that are part of the services development environment, details the support for XML in Enterprise COBOL, and provides an overview of the IBM WebSphere Application Server. This material is of interest mainly to system programmers and application programmers.

Author: Franck Injey
Title: XML on Z/OS and Os/390:Introduction to a Service - Oriented Architecture
Paperback: 264 pages
Publisher: IBM Press
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years :2003
ISBN: 0738426156
Size: 4.9 MB



Matthew MacDonald - Peer-to-Peer with VB .NET

25 September 2009

Peer-to-peer proponents claim that their technology holds the keys to building virtual supercomputers, sharing vastpools of knowledge, and creating self-sufficient communities on the Internet. Peer-to-Peer with VB .NET explores howthese design ideas can be integrated into existing .NET applications. This book is an honest assessment of P2P and.NET. It doesn't just explain how to create P2P applications & emdash;it examines the tradeoffs that professionaldevelopers will encounter with .NET and P2P. It also considers several different approaches (Remoting, .NETnetworking, etc.) rather than adopting one fixed technology, and includes detailed examples of several popular P2Papplication types (messenger, file sharer, and distributed task manager).

Author:  Matthew MacDonald
Title: Peer-to-Peer with VB .NET
Paperback: 440 pages
Publisher: Apress
Language: English
Format: CHM
Years: 2003
ISBN: 1590591054
Size: 7,81 mb

Professional Java, JDK 5 Edition

What is this book about?Professional Java builds upon Ivor Horton's Beginning Java to provide the reader with an understanding of howprofessionals use Java to develop software solutions. Pro Java starts with an overview of best methods and toolsfor developing Java applications. It then examines the the more sophisticated and nuanced parts of the Java JDK.The final and most extensive part of the book shows how to implement these ideas to build real-world applications,using both Java APIs as well as related Java open source tools. In short, this book provides a comprehensivetreatment of the professional Java development process, without losing focus in exhaustive coverage of isolatedfeatures and APIs.

Title: Professional Java, JDK 5 Edition
Paperback:726 pages
Publisher: Hungry Minds Inc,U.S.
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2005
ISBN: 0764574868
Size: 11,52 mb




The XML Guild - Advanced XML Applications from the Experts at The XML Guild

Numerous books abound for the beginning programmer who wants to learn XML, but there are few learning resourcesavailable for those who are already proficient in XML and need expert-level advice to help maximize theirworkflow. Advanced XML Applications from the Experts at The XML Guild provides such a resource, written by theexpert programmers at The XML Guild. The book is not intended to be another exhaustive XML "bible," rather, it’s acollection of advanced tips and techniques that the authors have used in the real world-and are now happy to sharewith you. Each chapter is written by the guild member considered to be the expert on a particular topic.

Title:The XML Guild  - Advanced XML Applications from the Experts at The XML Guild
Paperback:3 84 pages
Publisher: Course Technology PTR
Language: English
Format: PDF
Years: 2006-12-19
ISBN: 1598632140
Size: 5 MB


